In March of 2007 Pierre Retief commenced practising for his own account specializing in Tax Law litigation and Conveyancing. Two dedicated attorneys specializing in in Tax Law and related matters. Housing a team of four attorneys of which two specializes in Tax law and related matters and two specializing in commercial law.
Pierre Retief grew up and finished school in Johannesburg, Gauteng. He attended university and qualified as an Attorney in 1996 and was admitted as a conveyancer in 1998. By chance he enrolled for a Tax law course offered by the Law Society accredited by the then Rand Academic University. He then obtained the Post graduate diploma in Tax law in 1999. After practising at various firms on the East Rand, Gauteng , he joined the South African Revenue Services(SARS) as a legal advisor in 2001. Whilst at SARS he worked in several divisions. SARS established in Woodmead , Johannesburg, a special project office. He worked on a project amongst others on one where Transfer duty liability arose when beneficial rights in a property owning trust were transferred. Whilst at SARS he also read for a Mcom Tax degree, based on this project. He obtained a MCom Tax degree in 2006. Since 2007 his practising for his own account and specialises in Tax litigation and all related tax issues. He also enjoys time with his family and is an enthusiastic golfer.
BCom (Law) University of Pretoria
BProc University of Johannesburg
BCom(Hon)(Tax) University of Pretoria
MCom(Tax) University of Pretoria
PG Diploma Tax Practise University of Johannesburg
PG Diploma in Insolvency Law University of Pretoria
PG Diploma Business Rescue UNISA
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from thte countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they.
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